пятница, 5 июля 2013 г.

In the UK, will create a public service by the analysis of DNA

The National Health Service of the United Kingdom initiated a public service Genomics England, which will analyze the DNA of seriously ill patients to choose the most appropriate treatment.

The annual budget of Genomics England reach 100 million pounds. In 2017, we plan to analyze more than 100,000 DNA samples.

"Genome sequencing is already helping to determine the best method of dealing with certain types of cancer. Creating Genomics England will attract private sector investment. Medical companies will be able to use the resulting experience in the public sector and to extend it to other areas," - said the Minister of Health in England Jeremy Hunt.
In addition, the British government intends to establish a special fund with a capital of £ 300 million, which will fund the development in the field of applied genetics.

The analysis of existing patient data and the creation of a large-scale medical database will be one of the first tasks will be to support the fund. The government is ready to allocate to it 10 million pounds, another 20 million pounds is ready to provide Chinese billionaire Li Kashin.

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