понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.

Today the Earth reaches aphelion

Today at 17:00 on Earth reaches aphelion point of its orbit, the press service of the U.S. Naval Observatory.

Although at this point most distant from the land of the sun, most of the world gets to this day the largest annual amount of heat and light energy star.

According to researchers, our planet is now "moved away from the Sun at 152 million kilometers, which is 2.5 million kilometers farther than usual.

The difference between the distances of the nearest and distant point on the orbit is nearly five million kilometers, or 3.3% of the distance from the Earth to the Sun. This distance means that the point closest to the Sun, the Earth receives 7% less heat than later. The closest point to the Sun, the Earth passes the winter, the most distant - in the summer.

On the amount of heat received from the sun, affected not only the removal of the planet from the sun, but also the angle of inclination of the orbit of the Earth, which, as you know, is 23.5%. It is this angle and the impact on the current season, as well as for different lengths of the day and night in summer and winter.

Depending on the particular date, the aphelion can vary from 2 to 5 of July. While the date of perihelion - the closest point to the sun can fall on days 1 to 5 January.

Recently, scientists have at their disposal the best quality and accurate to date types of the solar atmosphere. For shooting used an experimental camera mounted on the rocket.

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