понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.

Scientists photographed as an ancient galaxy absorbs the gas

European scientists have "caught" the galaxy's takeover of the surrounding gas clouds.

The study galaxy from the Earth at a distance of more than ten billion light-years away and is therefore visible in the form in which there was in the era of the early universe.

In order to examine in detail the process of absorption of the galaxy gas scientists had to use indirect methods.

Astrophysicists have used the fact that for the observed quasar galaxy located: a bright light source, which is the active core of galaxies with supermassive black hole.

By the illuminated quasar scientists managed to spectral analysis of the galaxy and reveal inaccessible to observation in normal gas clouds.

As it turned out, due to the absorption of the gas is not only the increase in mass of the galaxy, but also the formation of new stars, which takes up a large part of the mass of the gas. Thus, the absorption of additional gas clouds plays an important role in the evolution of galaxies through the process of the galaxy can longer support the formation of stars.

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