понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.

Google celebrates 66 years since the Roswell incident Dudley with a stranger

This year marks the 66th anniversary of the so-called Roswell incident.

At the beginning of July 1947 near the American town of Roswell, New Mexico, crashed a vehicle, which many believe an alien spaceship with aliens on board.

Then the media reported that the U.S. air force has fallen a flying disc, but the military later denied this.

According to the official explanation of the "Roswell incident", on the outskirts of the city fell not a UFO, and the equipment top-secret program Mogul probe to monitor Soviet nuclear tests.

However, a few years later, Major Jesse Marcel, who in 1947 was head of Air Force intelligence base, gave a sensational interview in which he said that the history of the probe was invented to cover up: According to Marcela, "that there were items of extraterrestrial origin."

The absence of direct evidence of the fall of UFOs does not prevent tourists every year in early July to arrive in Roswell. These days, the town hosts a unique festival, in which the act of speakers and invited authors, lectures are held, costume contests, family activities and more.

Tourists will also show the monument, "proving" authenticity "of the wreck." The inscription on the monument reads: "We do not know who they were. We do not know why they came. We only know that they have changed our view of the universe. This is a sacred place for all noted the monument in July 1997 and is dedicated to creatures met his fate near Roswell, pcs. New Mexico, in July 1947. "

Also located in Roswell International UFO Museum, which opened in the early 1990s. Its exhibits include information about an incident in 1947, crop circles and UFOs.

Google celebrates the 66th anniversary of the Roswell holiday Doodle - flash game where you have to help the stranger go home.

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