воскресенье, 14 июля 2013 г.

In Indonesia, the governor of one of the states required to dismiss all young secretaries

In Indonesia, the governor of the province of Gorontalo to the mainstream of Habibie asked the local administration to dismiss all young secretaries and hire the vacated space men or older women.

According to the Singapore newspaper Straits Times, on such measures official is willing to go to escape the jealous wives.

"I have received information that many heads of offices involved in an extramarital relationship with their secretaries are women. They treat them much better than the women, bring them out of travel gifts such as perfumes or branded handbags, while their wives do not get the poor nothing, "- said the governor.

Habibi is convinced that his men heed the instructions, although in the case of disobedience they will not threaten any sanctions. "This is purely a moral requirement," - he said.

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